These stories submitted by Tpoulentzas became hot on BizSugar

When it comes to most areas of life, people tend to float around and embrace the idea of, whatever happens, happens.

But here are 5 reasons why setting goals is important, no matter what you’re talking about, whether it’s work, play, or even relationships. Read More
Your email marketing campaign/s is an essential element of your overall marketing strategy. They are designed to communicate and build relationships with your audience, gather relevant data, and help increase your return on investment.
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Brainstorming For Article Ideas - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Online Marketing
From 1513 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on June 6, 2020 12:49 pm
Are you a blog/article writer?

If so, how do you write your articles?

Do you brainstorm?

If not, you may want to think about doing so. After a close examination, you will see exactly how brainstorming can help you, when it comes to writing articles. Read More

What Is Email Marketing? - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Direct Marketing
From 1518 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on June 4, 2020 1:36 pm
Collecting email addresses from people who visit your online space in exchange for something is what’s known as email marketing.

The purpose of this strategy is to give a visitor to your website a free gift in exchange for their personal details. You can offer anything really... Read More

38 Social Media Tips - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Social Media
From 1516 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on June 3, 2020 9:24 am
Both new and well-established brands are using social media to grow their following, generate leads and increase sales.

Building a brand using social media might feel like a massive undertaking with all of the platforms available to you. But it’s easier than ever to use social media to connect w Read More

Become A Problem Solver. – John Thornhill's Blog

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Online Marketing
From 1709 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on November 24, 2019 1:18 pm
Every day, hundreds of thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs are jumping online looking at starting an online business and in search of that elusive ‘laptop-lifestyle’.

As you may well be aware, there are countless ways to make money online. It seems that every day there is some new method to foll Read More
Why do we stay in our comfort zone?
Because our comfort zone is the stress-free zone we are used to.
It’s what is familiar. It’s also the place where we are the most dissatisfied with our life.
When we stay in our comfort zone, we are forcing ourselves to stay stagnant. We’re afraid to change fo Read More
If you own an online business, you’ve probably considered starting or converting your existing website into a membership site. There are a ton of advantages in running a membership site, especially if you are selling content.
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There is absolutely no doubt that having a huge email list can be very profitable. However, building a list of subscribers is not the be-all and end-all of email marketing.

In fact, if you do not establish a relationship with your list or make them feel like they have an intangible connection w Read More
There is no faster or more powerful way to penetrate your niche market by developing a unique brand and becoming an authority in your market place than with a qualified and targeted list!

It’s also the easiest way to skyrocket your income and maximize your exposure with limited costs, as once yo Read More

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