These stories submitted by 27will will be featured BizSugar's homepage

While the Summer is not yet over, initiating the first phase of planning for the change of the seasons can give you business ample time to prepare for the strongest season yet. Read More
Customer service can be a major draw for a small business, but if neglected, it can turn into the kiss of death. Make sure that you are avoiding these common issues that make customers crazy. Read More
A press kit is a great tool for business owners looking to take more control of their media presence. Here is some background on what goes into one and where they can be effectively distributed. Read More
Many business owners would like to get more involved in the direction of their site, or at least know enough to ensure that they can work with developers. At the same time they might be afraid of tinkering. A child theme can help them mess around without the fear of destroying the theme they had i Read More
Being able to effectively set deadlines is a major skill that all managers rely on. Here is some insight on how to more effectively extrapolate deadlines for various tasks. Read More
As a business owner builds an audience,finding the right people to contribute insights and personality becomes a priority. Here are some tips for handling guest posts on your own blog. Read More
The practice of like gating content is soon to come to an end. With it in sight, small business owners who rely on the technique are going to have to quickly shift gears. Read More
A mentor can help small business owners maximize their resources and avoid pitfalls associated with growth. Seeking one can be a very smart move for small businesses looking for advice on how to allocate their resources. Read More
As smartphones do more and figure more heavily into the lives of many business owners, ensuring that they too are included in a digital security plan is becoming more important. Read More
For some brands, a strong rapport with customers is something that they aren't sure how to translate into social media success. Here are several ideas that can help them take their existing customer base and translate it into a social media following. Read More

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