December 10th, 2024 will be the last day for BizSugar's Article Sharing Service.

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These stories submitted by BChignell will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Negativity in the workplace can lead to a lack of motivation, a drop in productivity and a direct impact on the overall culture of a brand. Could you be a contributing factor to a negative culture, even if you don’t mean to be? Read More
There have been a lot of stories covering a supposed national switch to a 6 hour work week in Sweden over the past few months, and the amazing effects that this has had on its workers. Could the switch really have had such a dramatic effect or has its impact been exaggerated? Read More
With products such as Oculus Rift set to make virtual reality (VR) an affordable appliance in the near future, is there a place for such technology in the workplace? Here are some of the possible applications of VR that could make for a very interesting future. Read More
Employee onboarding is an essential element in the reduction of turnover, an increase in productivity and the foundation of a strong and positive company culture. Below are just 3 of the factors you need to ensure are included in your plans if you want to avoid murdering your onboarding process. Read More
Employees changing jobs is nothing unusual, especially at the start of a new year. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, but if you don’t spot the signals of an employee who is on the brink of leaving, then how can you know if there is something that can be done to prevent them quitting? Read More
It can sometimes be difficult (or even impossible) to get colleagues onboard with an idea or concept you have, even if it has obvious benefits. By understanding the cognitive biases that most of us have, we can increase our chances of influencing those around us to our way of thinking. Read More
Staying alert, concentrating and remaining focused all day at work isn’t easy. Distractions and fatigue all work against our efforts to be productive. Here’s 5 items we should all have on our desks to get the most from the day. Read More
I started my third personal Twitter (@mketg) account about 2 weeks ago. since that time I have, without using any dodgy services to buy followers, grown my following to 1000+.

There’s nothing difficult involved and anyone can achieve these results with a bit of planning and using some free onlin Read More
There are many common little tasks that we all do each and every day. Many of these can be streamlined or automated to make your day easier. Read More
There are certain qualities that many successful people possess. Whether your goal is working your way up to the top position in your company or achieving a good balance between your work and personal life, there’s certain qualities that will get you there. Read More

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