These stories submitted by SellBetter will be featured BizSugar's homepage

With all the advancements in sales, it seems many sale people are loosing site of their role, driving revenue. While no would advocate a return to hard selling, has the pendulum swung to far and caused sales to become soft, and as a result less effective? Read More
While technology is important and continues to contribute to and improve B2B selling, it is not a replacement for the sales professional. True sales professionals can and do engage those who automation misses, which just happens to be the majority of the potential market. Read More
Today’s guest Jeff Erramouspe discusses how sales and marketing need to and can come together around one process. Jeff outlines three ways marketing automation can help sales even after the handoff from marketing. Read More
The internet has advanced prospecting, but there still remains the moment where you have to reach out and engage, “The Last Inch”. That moment still comes down to skill and direct interaction between buyer and seller. Read More
While targets and metrics are related, they are different. Having one without the other can lead to confusion and a lack of sales execution. Read More
Today's guest post looks at the elements of success from the benefit of a different experience. John, demonstrates how even in the most extreme and challenging situations, trust and the willingness to meet the requirements of the customer rule. Read More
Sales people need to stop the end of month or quarter ritual and adopt a year round approach to success. A steady flow of input makes for a steady flow of output, delivering better results with no extra effort. Read More
Now is the time to step back and look at what you did in Q1, not so much how you did. If you like how you did, you will not have to change the "how", but if you didn't like "how" things turned out, change the "what".
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This week's guest post by Mike Weinberg, look at the bane of sales and the modern age, voice mail. Mike looks at specific steps you can take for voice mail sales success. Read More
Triggers provide an opportunity to connect with buyers in a way that aligns with events and trends in their day to day realities. This webinar looks at the fundamentals of triggers and how to maximize the to identifying and engaging with buyers. Read More

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