These stories submitted by SellBetter will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Even in a fast paced, turned on world, there are still advantages to taking the time to elaborate things. It's more than avoiding short cuts, it is about winning over buyers. Read More
Having looked at the sales process, and whether all companies need one, the question then turns to the basics. Where do you start to build and implement it, and who ultimately in the organization owns it. Read More
Some sales people spend to much time rationalizing the outcome and not enough effort in contributing to it. At times the difference between good and great is the lack excuses. Read More
This weeks guest post is by John Cousineau, looking at the need to to put the craft back into selling. By empowering sales people and organizing their work in order to achieve continuous improvement of their craft. Read More
With all the talk about sales process, the question of who needs to have one and who doesn't came up. The answer is that all sales organizations, big - small; solution sellers - transactional sales, all benefit from having a process in place. Read More
This week's guest post by Linda Beck looks at the importance of Emotional Intelligence. Linda examines the role it plays in an organizations success, but how to manage and leverage it in sales. Read More
Marlene Chism author of Stop Workplace Drama, discuss the impact of drama on the workplace. Discover the key factors affecting productivity as a result of drama in the workplace. Read More
In today's video, the question of how does a sales process look like in the real world. Once the elements are defined and refined for your organizations, it does have to be rolled out into the real world, which takes effort and continuous support. Read More
Quality and result of sales training will become a tangible differentiator for organizations looking to attract the right talent. But reps also need to invest in themselves to qualify for choice sales positions. Read More
Two things that many sales people struggle with are, negotiations and e-mail. This week's guest post is by Jeanette Nyden, who gives us five tips on how to on how to use e-mail to be more effective at negotiating.
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