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There some basics that every sales person needs to master, one is being able to articulate why people buy from you. Most sales people resort to marketing babble rather than delivering a concise statement that really speaks to and is meaningful to the buyer Read More
Sales like other professions should require continuous development. Unfortunately many sales people do not invest sufficient time in their development, and as a result do not reach their full economic potential. Organizations also lack the conviction to continuously invest in their most important asset, their revenue engine Read More
A sales manger has many things balance in their role, key being a balance in coaching and managing, skills training should not be one. As in sports, you have the team coach, and has trainer specially selected to help him/her Read More
In sales many people give up to soon. Sometimes it is a lack of process, other time it is a misconception that the may be too assertive. The reality is constructive persistence always pays off Read More
Not all sales are involved or complex requiring a solution. Many B2B sales professionals have to make their living, and they do, selling in a commoditized world where sometimes the only visible differentiator is price. But it does not have to be if you are up to the challenge Read More
Knowing your first three questions going into a sales meeting is key to achieving what you want out of the meeting, this of course implies that you do know what you want out of the meeting. While experience goes a long way, planning and leveraging your playbook will take you much further Read More
Many people believe they have the silver bullet in sales, but then discover that it is fleeting. The real secret is to consistently execute what ever method, execute day in and day out and you will succeed even if it's not the best or latest and greatest method. Read More
Sales people know that questions are the key to success, but they often fail to ask the hard the question that can really make he difference, both for the buyer and for them vs. their competitors. The sad part is that these limitations are self imposed, rather than forced on them by the market or the buyers Read More
One of the great things about sales is the basic need for constant learning and adoption of new skills. However many people in the trade get to a point where they trail off and coast with the market Read More
With the right contact strategy, you don't have to worry about how many times you reach out to a prospect, you can focus on the Right time. Without timing and the right message, you'll be forgotten Read More

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