These stories submitted by SellBetter will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Sales 2.0 offers a number of possibilities, but as with most tools, it is the person behind it that counts. In sales that comes down to those who understand the art of execution. Read More
If you have to sell to senior level decision makers, why not look at the same resources in house. If you sell to CFO's, then talk to your own CFO to learn how they think, do and make decisions. Read More
If following through on the little things can make the right impression, why not do the little things right rather than over looking them. Going further, why not create opportunities to "follow up" on the little things to establish a positive perception.
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Listening to the radio helped me understand a couple of sales basics. When you see how others use time and value to sell their products you get an understanding of how they impact your approach. Read More
There is talk of change, there is moving the deck chairs around, and then there is dramatic change. It is time for the latter in sales. Read More
Business owners know the importance of having a business plan. Sales people should view their territories as a business, then plan execute and run them accordingly. Read More
As a sales professional you should be thinking ahead to get ahead of situations. This may not always be easy, but it does yield better results than excuses as to why you didn't. Read More
Timing is key to success in sales. Learn how to be in front of the right prospect at the right time more often. See how you can close more and close faster. Read More
There are some great communication enablers for sales professionals these days. But it is important that we do not lose sight of the fact that content and the message and ultimate value are what counts, not the medium. Read More
The best way to demonstrate value is to increase your value to your buyer. You can differentiate not only based on what you deliver, but how you sell. Deliver value, not subservience. Read More

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