These stories submitted by SellBetter will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The difference between being number one or two in a given sector often comes down to having a vision, a plan and the guts to execute. Read More
Contest time, here is an opportunity for you to complete this scenario based on a real life challenge. Please read carefully, including the rules, and give it your best. Enjoy and good luck. Don't forget, once you enter, get your friends lined up and ready to vote. Read More
Not everyone can bring an unconventional view to sales, but for those who can think differently, see things differently, not only are there more rewards, but more fun executing the sale. Read More
Sales people need to embrace the power of 'nothing', instead of jumping to answer everything, they need to consider if 'nothing' would be a better alternative! Read More
Is sales training something a VP of Sales should deliver personally, be part of his strategic outlook to be delivered by another resource (either internal or external)? Read More
No matter what the conditions, a company can't shrink it's way to success, nor can a seller succeed with a shrinking pipeline. Read More
Voice mail is here to stay, so instead of trying to beat it, why not use it to your advantage. Here a couple of simple ways. Read More
While we may not be sure that the economy is here or there, it is always a good time to invest time and a little money in your own success, here three great ways to take charge of your success. Read More
Time is the key element in success, yet the most under utilized. Changing how much and how one uses time, can change the outcome of the activity. Read More

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