These stories submitted by Bloggertone will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Have you ever been caught out saying the wrong thing at a business meeting abroad? You wouldn’t be the only one. Nobody is going to shoot you for saying the wrong thing but with a little more care we can spare our blushes and make it easer on ourselves, our prospects and clients. Cross cultural marketing and networking does require more attention to the detail. Read More
While meditating on the issue of retaining and attracting people, I realised, that every organisation in every industry is facing the similar problem in the background of this truth, that the world is fast changing Read More
Everything you read these days has a connection to social media, because everyone is doing it. Or are they? A chorus of voices shout 'yes' in unison, but... Read More
The last two weeks were busy with the Sugartone contest. My weekly review of business articles on BizSugar resumes again this week. As always, here are the articles I enjoyed reading on BizSugar and some of the thoughts they inspired related to international business. Read More
To get a better understanding of the components of successful transitional leadership, it is helpful to examine and understand its counterparty - failure. Read More
We have an insatiable desire to be different. This desire to be different from people around us is so strong that even 1-degree of separation makes us feel special about ourselves. Read More
Generating opportunities – You must be GAGA!! How to stand out and get noticed. Visibility to help generate more opportunities .... Read More
There's no denying the amount of interest in green matters - So how is it that despite all the environmental publicity, are we still failing to swap black for green and embrace green marketing? Read More
Does the thought of presenting to upper management make your knees knock? Do you spend days on the presentation only to spend your 5 minutes in the spotlight talking to your shoes while the executives yawn and sneak peeks at their Blackberries? Read More
There is a lot to be said for an owner manager who has the courage of conviction of setting up their own business. A lot of business owners will describe the initial sense of excitement as they work on implementing their usually long held dream of working for themselves. As the potential financial rewards accrue to the owner the long hours that may be required don’t deter. Read More

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