These stories submitted by Bloggertone will be featured BizSugar's homepage

You may think this a bizarre question, but to sustain that ‘in the moment zing’ should social interactions be a bit more spaced out? Should we be spending time ‘building up to the social’, or should we just let it flow over us and sweep us along? Read More
Rapport can be described as that nice warm feeling and good chemistry we feel when we are in communication with another person or group of people. Generally what is happening is that the value systems are in sync, and people are always looking for the good in the other person. Read More
A website revamp should be approached with care and attention, and there should be definite reasons for heading down this, usually very expensive, path. Read More
You have decided to start a blog for your business but is it as easy as it sounds? Check out our tips for preventing writer's block and maintaining consistency and quality with your blog posts. Read More
I've considered for a while that the average LinkedIn user is the least sophisticated when compared with other users of other social media. Why might this be the case? Well, perhaps because a larger part of the LinkedIn user base is made up of traditional business people Read More
An old professor had a simple, yet powerful formula for pre-qualifying opportunities and markets - that is the 3 Ps of pre-qualification. Can its application earlier in the sales cycle avoid a lot of set-backs and surprises? Read More
The first time I encountered a Facebook page with posting guidelines I assumed that it was there for legal reasons. Having recently dealt with spam on my own page, guidelines suddenly made sense. Read More
If you don't like going to Networking Meetings and prefer to network online here are some tips for using LinkedIn, Disqus, Blogs and Avatars for networking online. Read More
For those companies who are having trouble collecting payments from clients, the option often turns to hiring a collection agency. But how do you go about hiring the right agency, an agency that will in turn have your best interests at heart? Read More
Many new business owners choose to take the DIY approach to search engine optimisation. Although I would recommend hiring a professional this is understandable as after web development costs SEO is often an afterthought. If you are taking the DIY approach here are the main things you'll need to loo Read More

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