These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

However, before we challenge our customers, we have to earn the right to challenge them. We have to first challenge ourselves--to assure we are capable of engaging in a meaningful conversation. Read More
Insight Base Selling is important to creating value for our customers. But let's not make that process more complicated than it need be. Insight doesn't have to be earth shaking, it just has to make a difference to a person--our customer. It has to help them achieve something they had not believed Read More
The whole focus in the launch is about the product! Afterall, that's why they are called Product Introductions. Just one time, I'd like to see a product introduction that focuses, instead, on the customer Read More
There's, rightfully so, a huge rush to Challenger Selling. But I worry, it's starting in sales. Sales cannot successfully sustain Challenger Selling, unless the entire organization has a Challenger Business Strategy. Read More
Imagine a contest. You've landed in a city you've never been to before. You're goal is to get to a certain location. Others are trying to reach that location, you don't know who they are. The person that gets there first gets $10 Million. Read More
In this week's post on performance metrics, I'll take a step back. Rather than looking at a specific metric, I'll spend a little time talking about the differing points of view on metrics---the sales person/individual contributor's view and sales management's view. Read More
Ask your sales people these three questions: Does it help you win more business? Does it help you win faster? Does it help you win it more profitably? Read More
Customer lose their way in the buying process. If we aren't providing them leadership, we'll get lost with them. Read More
Jonathan Farrington is once again hosting the Top Sales Awards.  It's an opportunity for you to vote on your favorite blogs, books, sales Gurus', sales tools, Read More
Having a differentiated value proposition, creating value for your customers is critical for sales success. But when I speak with sales executives and professionals, it's often not clear what really sets them apart. Read More

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