These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The much more powerful concept is the ability of the sales person to engage the customer in a conversation about What should be keeping them up at night? Read More
I couldn't agree more, but would tinker with that a little, Buying has changed more in the past 3 years than in the cumulative history of buying. While it may seem a small point, I think it may more clearly illustrate the problem I think is happening in sales. Read More
Everyone wants to stand out, everyone wants to be different.  Each marketing campaign attempts to be provocative and memorable.  Sales people try different Read More
So this is what’s happening this morning. I start the morning looking at email. Craig Rosenberg of has posed an interesting question: “Isn’t sending an unsolicited email to someone the same thing as cold-calling them?” There’s an interesting discussion with thoughtful responses from p Read More
Today, I got a note from Paul Castain.  Paul hosts one of the best LinkedIn groups and is the author of the Sales Playboook Blog.  Paul usually has an Read More
If you have a plan, are you executing it? If not, then your plans are just wishful thinking. If you don't have a plan, you won't get to where you want to go! Read More
Rising Tides Float All Ships, a bit of an odd title, given the current economic uncertainty. This term has been used to talk about the false sense of success many individual and executives may have about their peersonal performance and that of their organizations. Read More
I talk to lots of people about their value propositions and the business cases they have presented for their solutions. People seem to talk the talk, but in reality, I see few people really focusing on the business value of their solutions. Read More
Fundamentally, as a customer (B2B or B2C) I don't want to be forced to discover how wonderful your customer service is. I want an extraordinary buying and usage experience. In a perfect world, I'd like to totally avoid the need to use customer service. Read More
A couple of months ago, I wrote about Pipeline Flow/Velocity. It's one way of looking at whether things are moving through the pipeline or funnel appropriately. Another simple way of looking at this is by looking at the % of Opportunities Advanced. Read More

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