These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

This can drag on endlessly, or it can stop at any time the customer loses interest. Sales people need to be more purposeful in thinking about their sales strategy. Sales people can't just respond to the customer, but rather have a strategy for helping move this through the company's buying process. Read More
I had a great conversation with a remarkable executive the other day. We were talking about the sales strategies he had established for his organization. At one point, he made the comment, I made a mistake. Read More
Who's the decision-maker and how do we get access to her? Conventional sales wisdom tells us to focus on the top, prowling the halls of the executive suite, trying to develop relationships with the CxO. Finding that decision-maker, persuading him that we have the right solution and getting a favora Read More
The real opportunity for sales and marketing is to change the conversation--the timing, content, and quality of the conversation. Our real opportunity is with customers who don't know what they don't know! Our opportunity is to help customers to think about their businesses and markets differently, Read More
We are finding all the excuses to keep a deal in our funnel and pursue it as a sales opportunity. Rather than qualifying, we need to focus on disqualifying--we need to focus on finding the deals in our sweet spot, eliminating all other deals. Nothing impacts win rates more than vicious disqualifica Read More
A key aspect of the manager's job is performance management. Surprisingly, I seem to run across a fair number managers that don't own this responsibility. They don't do it, or try to delegate it so someone else. Read More
There were a lot of problems with the sales organization. It started with having the wrong people. But I couldn't help this CEO fix these problems. He basically was the root problem--he had hired all the people, he had created the environment in which all these people operated. Read More
Today, I want to take a pause in this series. Over the past couple of months, each Friday, we've looked at different performance metrics. We've focused on establishing numbers and goals for these metrics. It's worth taking some time to reconfirm what we are doing and why. Read More
It's odd to see the resistance to social media and business. Increasingly, that's where our customers are hanging out. Read More
For this week's Performance Management discussion, I'm shifting gears quite a bit.  It's a topic few sales people think about as an aspect of managing their Read More

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