These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It's important to be impatient with our customers. It's important to be pushy. We want our customers to be successful. We want them to start seeing the benefits to their business as soon as possible. As long as our focus is on the customer and helping them get the results they need to achieve, push Read More
Developing relationships is important in sales, business, and life. While there is some overlap in how we develop relationships and developing partnerships, they are not the same. As sales professionals, I think it's important to be clear about what we are really trying to achieve. More importantly Read More
If you are a sales manager or executive, you can leverage this concept of pattern recognition tremendously. There are analytic tools that help you understand patterns with your customers, your people and organizations. Read More
We know our products, our competition, our companies well. But this isn't what counts for our customers--sure they want sales people who understand the products they sell, but what they really want is sales people that understand them--their companies and businesses. Read More
One of the most important Pipeline/Funnel Metrics is Pipeline Volume. The key question Pipeline Volume answers is: Am I pursuing enough opportunities to make my goal or number? Without an understanding of Pipeline Volume, it's impossible to know whether you have enough opportunities, whether you ne Read More
I've been involved in a number of discussions about independent sales reps recently. They are a terribly misunderstood and under-appreciated sales channel. Independent sales reps can be a solution to coverage and market access challenges, but only if we leverage them in a way that makes sense. Read More
Customers really need more than imitators. They need innovators, they need leaders. Customers need suppliers who can help them look at their businesses differently. Read More
Given the tools and technologies available, it is unacceptable for any marketing or sales professional not to send a personalized email. The email must be addressed to the individual, not occupant (which is what using the bcc field does). Read More
I've been tracking some discussions about old school approaches to engaging customers.  There are a number people talking about the power of handwritten thank Read More
Let me be clear, these people are very smart, experienced and dedicated to achieving their goals--each of which attacks some part of sales performance improvement. But I think part of my discomfort is rooted in how we solve complex problems. Read More

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