These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Understanding our competition is critical to our success as sales people. Too often, though, I see sales people underestimating their competitors and what their customers may think of their competitors. As a result, they fail to develop a winning strategy or are outsold by the competition. Read More
The reason I love sales, selling, and sales professionals is that to be really good you have to be really smart and you have to be constantly thinking, analyzing, strategizing, and executing. Read More
When are we going to realize that buying--and selling has shifted? It's not about the pitch, it's not about broadcasting a meaningless message, it's about establishing a meaningful dialogue or conversation. When do we start realizing that we don't build trust through deception and manipulation? Read More
“’We want to improve sales effectiveness!” is often the starting point of many of my conversations with executives.  “Terrific,” I respond, “What Read More
We were talking about her frustrations, as a buyer, with sales people. She said something that struck me, What happened to common sense? Read More
It's sales people who think their job is to provide a quote or a proposal. Let's not forget, our jobs--what we get measure and compensated on is not quotes, it's orders! What's important to our companies is the revenue we get from fulfilling an order! Read More
I can think of nothing more exciting, yet fraught with risk. But this is an opportunity--it's an opportunity that has not existed for several generations of marketers and sales people. It's an opportunity for new leaders to emerge, and for profound shifts in the way we engage, serve, and create val Read More
I'm grumpy and disappointed---we, as sales and marketing professionals, can be so much better than this. We have so much more capability to better engage our prospects and customers. We have so much capability to build and nurture relationships. We have so much capability to demonstrate and create Read More
Partnering has been in vogue for the past few years. It seems as though every sales person wants to partner with their customers. Marketers talk about partnering, consultants want to be everyone's partner. Read More
Nothing happens until we start doing it. We won't get that meeting unless we pick up the phone. We won't understand what it takes to get that order until we ask. We won't get that order until we complete all the work of configuring a solution and completing the proposal. Our manager will not stop h Read More

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