These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

I've always admired the connection with the customer that my fashion industry clients have--it's something all of us can learn from. These clients are always trying to understand what's hot with their customers, what drives them, what are the great trends or fads they will buy. They focus intently Read More
Can you give me a picture of your customer? What type of business is it, what type of person within the business is it, what are they trying to do, what are their passions, how are you going to address those passions? Read More
We confuse activity and progress, unfortunately too often focusing on activity rather than progress. Read More
There's the old -- and still good -- maxim in sales, follow the money. As sales people, we continue to chase the money. We're measured on revenue, our job is to grow revenue, we focus on orders. Read More
It seems we need to look at the other side of the coin---look at things from our customers' perspectives. Are we strategic suppliers to our customers? Read More
Walking away from a bad deal is tough. Too often, we don't have the courage to do this--the pressure for revenue is so high that we get ourselves into situations that are bad. Read More
He's absolutely right--Our sales process and the customer's buying process is very much like a project plan. The sales person acts as a project manager--developing the plan, aligning the resources (customer, partner, and company),and providing leadership in executing the plan. Many of the skills, d Read More
We have to approach the planning process with the end in mind---when does the customer want to make a decision, when do we want to complete this project? Once we understand the end goal, we develop all our plans by working backwards from that goal. We know our sales process, we know all the activit Read More
Every year, US companies invest $4-6 Billion in training (From a person who really knows, Dave Stein, CEO of ESResearch). This includes internally developed training as well as that procured through the training companies. It's a huge amount of money, yet most of that money is wasted, Dave Stein wo Read More
The response has been far beyond my expectation (almost embarrassing), but distinguishes Dell, it's leadership and it's commitment to customer excellence. Read More

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