These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Taken from one perspective, SLA's are very powerful. The process of establishing and aligning around goals and objectives between organizations and functions is very powerful and critical. Great SLA's establish clear goals and priorities, define roles and responsibilities, establish common metrics, Read More
Even in its best execution, the problem with value propositions is they are rooted in what we sell. We base value propositions on our products and our solutions. It's increasingly difficult to differentiate our products and solutions---more importantly, that's not what's important to the customer. Read More
Referral's are important to sales. We want people who know us to introduce us to others who might be interested in our products or services. Referrals are important and valued endorsements of who we are and what we do. Read More
They spoke of great things they were doing to create great awareness in the market place. They spoke about what they were doing to create demand, to bring in leads. They spoke of the great content they were developing, the programs they were developing to inform and nurture potential customers to t Read More
With that as a preamble, during the discussion, Craig asked what we thought of the term Chief Revenue Officer. To tell you the truth, I'd never thought about it before, I'd never really taken it terribly seriously. Apparently, it's coming more in vogue, though I'm a little confused about why. I lat Read More
As individuals, we have to continue to upgrade our skills, knowledge, attitudes. As organizations, we have to be willing to change our business models, change our processes, change everything we do. To be successful, we must align ourselves and organizations with the changes going on around us. Read More
Sales people and managers tend to be action oriented people. It's no wonder that when we start facing sales performance problems, our natural reaction is to try to do more faster. Not enough qualified opportunities, pump up the number of prospecting phone calls, the number of emails, do more. Not m Read More
Why do executives, marketers, and sales people continue this insane behavior?! Why do they invest their time and precious budgets in creating meaningless SPAM which, at best is ignored, at worst creates people who are hostile to their brands and companies? A week ago, I wrote about insane telemarke Read More
I write a lot about being customer focused, about helping customer identify new opportunities, look at new ways of growing, assess new ways of running their businesses. I've long advocated being consultative, facilitating the customer buying process, and creating value in every interchange. A lot o Read More
Not long ago a sales person called be with an idea that I thought was interesting. He was pitching a concept, it was a little intriguing but I had to interrupt him, saying, What you are saying is very interesting to me, however this is the issue we face with our customers, here's how we see things, Read More

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