These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Great coaching is one of the highest impact activities a sales manager can undertake. A key element of the sales manager’s job is developing each person on their team to perform at the highest levels. Read More
As sales professionals, we're used to measuring and being measured. We're focused on our quota's and goal attainment. As sales leaders, metrics are important in analyzing the performance of our teams, people, and organization. We use metrics to assess performance, and coach improvement. This is ver Read More
I’m a tremendous fan of many of the Sales 2.0 tools. I think any high performing sales person must exploit these tools to the fullest. They enable people to magnify their effectiveness greatly, as well as improving their efficiency. Read More
As a sales manager, the only real assets you can deploy to produce results are your salespeople. Often times we mistakenly focus on resources instead of assets. Read More
In sales, particularly B2B sales, I think we are at an inflection point. In the past 100 years, I believe there have only been two other inflection points in sales. But this one is different than the other two. For those that recognize it and embrace it, the opportunity can be extraordinary. Fo Read More
I think we need to have a much broader look at metrics--we need to put metrics in place, at all levels of the organization, that help us track and manage our own performance. They have to be meaningful indicators to help us see whether we are on track or not. They have to be timely, enabling us t Read More
What’s the difference between good sales people or sales managers and truly great ones? I guess we can come up with lots of lists, but I think they reduce to one thing. The truly great sales people and sales manager always focus on getting better, the good ones are content with being good. It’s Read More
Regardless of the how or the why, ending someone’s employment isn’t easy--even when it is necessary. There are couple big principles that can make it easier for both you as the sales manager and easier for your sales person. Read More
We're all busy. We run from meeting to meeting, we're busy doing research, reports, working on social media.... The list can go on. No one suffers from a lack of activity---the key to sales productivity, though, is are we focusing on the right activities? Ideally, as sales people, we want to spend Read More
Over the past week, I've been writing a lot about Value. We build our organizations around creating and delivering value. Yet, only the customer can define value. What we don't recognize is the value we can create and deliver may not be aligned with value our customers need. Read More

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