These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Many of you know I'm very enthusiastic about Twitter. I believe it has potential to be a very powerful tool for business professionals. Right now, we are just Read More
I'm frustrated and a little impatient. As a profession, we seem to be doing the same thing over and over, making little progress. Sometimes, I feel like I'm Read More
I love being in sales, I love talking to great sales professional. I think a large part of it is that success in sales requires you to really think.Many people Read More
The right response is that, in reality, they must do both---they must focus on where the organization needs to be and they must also address today's problems. Easier said than done. Too often the day to day crises and sheer momentum causes us to focus our time on solving today's problems and fighti Read More
The issue is in today's Sales 2.0 world, who owns the customer? By this, I mean, who has ultimate responsibility for managing the customer relationship, growing and supporting it. Read More
Effective sales leadership requires that the leader set the agenda and then keep the sales organization tacking towards those goals. Read More
You know this story, I'm sitting at my desk, the phone rings, I answer, and an enthusiastic voice: Good morning Dave!, I'm Roger from XXX..... The pitch Read More
Yesterday, I got an intriguing tweet. It was from an individual and simply stated, We inspire sales people. If interested let's connect. I have to admit, the Read More
Time management. Given a long enough timeline, anything is possible. The problem for sales managers is a lack of power over the time in which to produce the results. Read More
Too often, as sales people, I think we focus too much on where the customer is now, what are their current problems, what are their needs, how do we present something that gets them to buy now. We struggle at selling--the project may not be a priority, funds aren't allocated, we get close, but no s Read More

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