These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The other day I was meeting with a friend. He's VP of Sales for a reasonably sized company. When I walked into his office, he was clearly frustrated. I asked him what was wrong, he almost leapt at me, "Those guys in corporate want another update on the forecast!, it's the second time they've as Read More
References were a very strong part of his pitch. What he didn't know--because he had apparently not done his homework and because he never asked, was that most of his references had a very negative impact on me. He dropped names of people and organizations that I have little respect for. The more h Read More
Companies pursue different strategies to create a competitive advantage. Each require something different of the sales force. Read More
A client called me today with an inspired idea. He posed the question, “What do you think about a strategy where we created a small amount of friction within our sales organization?” My curiosity was really piqued by this notion. Read More
A friend called the other day. He's a senior executive in the financial side of his company. He was clearly frustrated, saying, Dave, I need your help! The people in this organization and many of the internal functions are killing us. They can't stand the customers! They think everything would be g Read More
Last week’s Office Hours was on the subject of leadership (you can listen to that webinar here). When we scheduled this webinar, I honestly expected the focus of the conversation to revolve around the responsibilities of the sales leader, like getting salespeople to follow the sales process and sim Read More
My friend, Wally Bock, wrote an interesting newsletter last week on Bear Bryant. He ended it with a quote from Coach Bryant, Can people watch you in action and tell what your value ares? I thought about it for a moment, I think the answer is a definitive YES! 100% of the time! Read More
As consultative, solutions, customer-focused sales professionals, we know that we are supposed to probe our customer's needs, problems and challenges.  Doing Read More
I was struck by a letter from Steve Ballmer yesterday.  It was entitled, the New Efficiency.  I agree with many of the thoughts he expresses, particularly Read More
I read a post from Miller Heiman on How Do You Know If You Are Wasting Time With Propects.  It's a good article encouraging focus on your sweet spot.  You Read More

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