These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The other day, I was having breakfast with a great friend, one of the most talented marketing executives I have encountered.  Unwittingly, we had the same Read More
We all need to Take Part in our personal, professional and career development! No one, no company is going to do that for us. We have to do it ourselves--whether it's participation in workshops, commenting on blogs, reading, or whatever. The best professionals not only Take Part, they Take Charge. Read More
This is one of those blogs where I get on my soap box and rant a little bit.  I got off the phone with a sales person--someone who came highly recommended by a Read More
The New Year is an interesting time. It's time when everything seems to be re-set. We have new goals and objectives. We resolve to change things, to do things differently. Somehow, we all start the New Year with a clean slate, whatever happened last year is in the past, things are new and fresh. Read More
If you follow this blog, you know I like talking to sales people trying to sell me something.  It's always interesting to be on the customer side and to be Read More
I was having coffee with the COO of a large organization a few weeks ago. We were talking about selling and the characteristics of great sales people. He made the statement, “A great salesperson can sell anything.” Read More
Innovation is a hot topic these days.  I've been thinking about it a lot, particularly in selling.  There's a lot going on in selling.  Sales 2.0 generates a Read More
From a sales point of view, it's easy to understand that Value Is A Mystery, after all the only side of value that we know is what we can do, our products, services, capabilities, reputation, and so forth. But until we know how our customer define value, it's a mystery to us. Sure we can approximat Read More
I’ve written about this in the past, I’m a strong advocate of social networking and the tools. But declaring the future of selling to be social can be likened to declaring decades ago, “The Future Of Selling—It’s Automotive,” or “The Future Of Selling – It’s The Telephone,” or “The Future Of Sellin Read More
I had an interesting email exchange the other day.  Someone had read many of my post on the Selling Process.  He posed a question about the sales process for Read More

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