These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

We focus entirely too much on pricing. We leave far too much money on the table because we fail to establish business value and tie our pricing to the business value! If you have great business value, if you can create a business case that exceeds any financial hurdles your customer may have (e.g. Read More
But that's just the starting point. We have to tie this analysis to the strategic initiatives and impact to the organization? We have to engage the CFO's staff. We have to understand the impact on the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cashflow. We have to understand our customer's investment str Read More
But the conversation is never too Salesy as long as we are constantly driven by the value we are creating for the customer, the WIIFM from their point of view, and how we help. Read More
Customers design their own customer experience. We can just influence a part of that experience, but we can still create positive experiences in the parts of their experience that we touch. Read More
Big or small, insight is about the customer's business. It is not a conversation about a solution---though insight based conversations lead conversations about solutions. It is not a conversation about a product, though if we execute an insight based conversation well, it can lead to a need for our Read More
The Right Stuff  -- a famous book by Tom Wolfe turned into a decent movie, was all about the very early stages of America's space program. It' a great book to Read More
Globalization can be an important element of your growth strategies, but too often we it incorrectly or at the wrong time. Expanding into global markets isn't just an issue of language, time zones, and distance. There's a lot more to successfully grow in these new markets. This video will give you Read More
Commitment, deep emotional commitment, seems to be one of the consistent differences between top performers and everyone else. This quality seems to be more about who we are, not how we do what we do. Read More
As professionals, particularly as sales professionals, we are only as good as the commitments we meet.  We're always making commitments--to our customers, our Read More
A sales person’s job is to sell–so why would I recommend professional sales people stop wasting their time selling? The real issue is that too many sales people waste time selling to people who have no need to buy.
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