These stories submitted by Iannarino will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Too many salespeople mistakenly believe that asking for commitments that either advance or close a sale are hard sell tactics. Most salespeople have never been exposed to hard sell tactics, and neither have their clients. The hard sell requires an emotional leverage that you rarely find in business-to-business sales Read More
From time to time, everyone is late for an appointment. But being habitually late for appointments is a serious problem and one that present your dream clients with an impression of you that will cost you and your company business Read More
Many of the reasons that deals and opportunities are lost are due to some seemingly small mistakes. But small mistakes made as the result of ignoring the fundamental principles of selling effectively produce disastrous losses later. Losses that might have easily been prevented Read More
While written sales material is necessary and customary, it does nothing to create value for you or for your dream clients. Most of it goes unread, or is simply discarded. Your limited time is better spent developing the skills to cold call and generate interest than by sending material Read More
Both your personal development and your professional development are your responsibility. Studying both your success and your failures can help you to identify the principles that enable success, as well as the actions and behaviors that will produce better outcomes. Writing your own personal case studies is powerful and effective way to improve quickly and to produce better results faster Read More
Your personal development can and will do more to improve your success in sales than any other single factor. Personal development focuses on the one factor that is common to every sale in which you will ever be involved: you. Developing the foundational attributes of success in any endeavor and the foundational attributes of sales are the key to developing both your confidence and your competence in sales Read More
Salespeople are often accused of and guilty of discounting their prices too early and too deeply. This can be a big mistake. But salespeople often discount a lot of things that are far more detrimental to their sales results Read More
We sell in crowded marketplaces. In order to gain your dream clients time and attention, you need to be able to differentiate yourself and your company from your competitors. Differentiation is found in your people, your ideas, your beliefs, and your execution Read More
Great presenters are great storytellers. But they don’t tell their companies story alone. They coauthor a new story with their dream clients; a story that includes not only their beliefs and visions, but one that includes their client’s story, their beliefs, and their vision Read More
Persistence and determination are essential attributes for success in any endeavor, especially sales. But too often salespeople believe that persistence and determination are the result of quarterly calls. Being persistent requires the grit and determination to make the calls, and to make them with a frequency that is meaningful enough to be effective. Read More

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