These stories submitted by Iannarino will be featured BizSugar's homepage

As much as anything else, a salesperson’s client list is a measure of their effectiveness as a salesperson. It is also a measure of their confidence in their ability. High performing salespeople have the highest levels of skills in all of the skill sets that sales requires, and they have the confidence to sell and to win big deals. Read More
Despite the constant and exponential change occurring around us, the key to success in sales (or any endeavor) isn’t found in the shiny new ideas. Success is built on effectiveness, and effectiveness is built on improving the fundamentals and through devoting yourself to personal and professional growth. Read More
The same dissatisfaction that allows you to win clients exists in some part of your client base. Your key accounts, regardless of your long relationship, are always at risk. But these four behaviors do more to put your clients at risk than any external threat or competitor. Read More
Much of what we encounter in sales is out of our control. But we can exercise control over ourselves, our behaviors, and our actions to make what is out of our control more likely to result in a deal. Read More
The fastest way to become a commodity is to behave like one. Commoditization is built on undifferentiated service, by failure to create meaningful relationships, and by a failure to solve your client’s biggest most pressing issues. Read More
The number one reason salespeople fail is that they aren’t really salespeople in the first place. The second reason salespeople fail is that, although they possess most of the attributes necessary to succeed in sales, they cannot temper the independence that comes with sales with the personal responsibility and self-discipline required to succeed. Read More
The primary reason that salespeople fail is that they are salespeople in name only. They fail because they never truly embrace sales. It is this failure to completely embrace sales that prevents them from taking the actions necessary to succeed in sales. Read More
The pursuit of your biggest and best dream client can dominate your time and your focus. But don’t let the work you do to win the dream client destroy your future sales by eliminating your prospecting activity. No excuses. Each hour on the dream client needs to be matched an hour building your future dream client. Read More
Every salesperson needs a good Elevator Speech. But it is more important to have an Elevator question that generates interest and generates opportunities. Excellent questions help define your brand and demonstrate you can create results. Read More
Salespeople use scripts. Even those who believe they don’t use scripts are really relying on scripts, albeit ones that haven’t been refined as well as they might be. By writing and rehearsing your scripts, you will be smoother, you will be more consistent, you will be more persuasive, and you will be more effective. Read More

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