These stories submitted by Jkennedy will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Are your sales calls forgettable, or do your customers really, really like you? If you'll learn this sales lesson from American Idol, you can be memorable. Read More
Are you afraid of hearing No? If you're in sales, you need to learn to love it! Start by getting the proper mindset: remember that No just means Not now. Read More
Dean Koontz is one of the greatest fiction writers of our generation. But what can his stories of murder and mayhem teach you about sales? Read on to learn... Read More
Think American Idol is just for kids? Think again! Here are three important business lessons you should have learned while watching American Idol. Read More
Why do I suck at plumbing? Because I don't love it! Read this post to see how that simple principle matters to your success. Read More
If you want to achieve your goals, you need to know your why. If you have a big enough why, any what is within your reach. Read More
When you have to resort to suing your competitors to regain market share, something is seriously flawed with your view of your customers. Read More
Confused by all the chatter about Sales 2.0? Wondering if you should jump on the bandwagon? Well, you're not alone. In this episode of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast, Christian Maurer discusses the importance of adopting the right attitude when it comes to Sales 2.0. Read More
Terri Levine wants sales people to learn something: how to be more human! In this episode of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast, Terri discusses her new book, "Sell Without Selling" and what it means for salespeople in a sales 2.0 world. Read More
Brad Trnavsky and Jerry Kennedy of the Sales Management 2.0 Podcast talk with Randy Illig, co-author of "Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play", to discuss the importance of creating solutions that exactly meet your clients' needs. Excellent message for all salespeople to listen to! Read More

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