These stories submitted by Joannw2016 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

As a business, using social media is a great way to connect to your audience. You can show the world what you’re currently working on, show off your latest products, and respond to burning questions.

One problem with social media is it can be very time consuming. You want to keep up with the com Read More
Over 100 free and affordable tools for your business. From project and time management tools to creating content and free stock photos for your blog.
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For the past 6 months I have been involved as Co-Founder for a Twitter App called Buffer. Being the non-technical part I am focused on writing blog posts and reaching out for coverage. Another vital point was to grow an engaged Twitter account to increase our distribution. Read More
Instagram is a powerful and fun social tool that allows you to market your business to hundreds of new customers everyday! There are over 200 million Instagram users, and learning simple strategies to gain targeted followers can significantly increase your businesses revenue. Read More
Facebook, today, has become the universal marketing tool across the globe. Firstly, it has a huge user database, covering almost all age groups. Secondly, it has maximum popularity among all generations. So, businesses these days are turning smarter and using it as a marketing tool to widen their c Read More
You want to build your email list.

So you spend 20 hours pitching, outlining, and writing the perfect guest post.

You spend another 3 hours researching and creating the perfect content upgrade to go along with that guest post. You go back and forth with the editor for what seems like hours, m Read More
Over the past 5 years, Instagram has blossomed into the premier, mainstream outlet for photographers, regardless of skill level. Boasting an active user base of 700 million and counting, Instagram’s popularity need not be discussed further—it’s truly a force majeure. And I’m no crowd scientist (whi Read More
Social media sites like Facebook, twitter, YouTube and Instagram present a goldmine of opportunities for improving your business. Facebook Marketing provides a rare and excellent platform for marketers to introduce their brands to the public and potential customers. There are several ways advertise Read More
As a marketing tool, Facebook continues to dominate the popularity contest. According to the recent Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 55 percent of marketers considered Facebook as the most important social media marketing platform. However, because of the platform’s depth, you may find yours Read More
Having an operations manual may not be glamorous, but preventing the disasters caused by human error and bad processes can save your business and even (in extreme circumstances) millions of lives.
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