These stories submitted by Joannw2016 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Small businesses are utilizing marketing automation platforms to help grow their business more than ever before. When it comes to capturing leads and nurturing them into sales-ready prospects, marketing automation provides the tools to necessary to execute, manage and automate tasks that helps driv Read More
Customer service refers to the support given to customers before, during, and after their purchase or transaction with your company. It plays a crucial role in how clients feel about your organization.

Good customer service can help you gain lifetime customers. In this modern age when informatio Read More
What is the most important thing you can do to improve relationships with your customers? The answer is as obvious as it is overlooked: improve customer service. No matter how great your product is or how talented your staff is, one of the things that customers are most likely to remember is the di Read More
Social media experts love to overcomplicate things, for the more complex it sounds – the more money they can ask for doing it. Three tips for you enough to supercharge your Twitter Marketing and make you focus on the things that matter the most. Read More
Instagram smashed through the 200 million user mark in March, so it doesn't seem to be suffering too badly from the surfeit of competitors taking it on. Whether you're an Instagram newbie or an old-timer on the network, these 10 tips should give you a few fresh ideas about how you can get the m Read More
Instagram​ has become a marketing powerhouse. Around the world, so many people use Instagram every day, and that number just keeps growing. Instagram recently announced on its official blog​ that it has more than 600 million Instagrammers. No matter what business you are in, Instagram has become a Read More
Time back? The job of a CSM is tough. It’s time consuming, requires a lot of focus (while juggling a ton of different things) and has a lot of responsibility.
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Pinterest is a lifestyle brand that allows you to create a visual online pinboard, organized around topics of your choice, by category. For example: I’m a certified chocoholic, so I started a Pinterest board last week on dark chocolates I love — featuring photos of said delicacy accompanied by a ho Read More
Are you looking to attract high-quality and loyal fans to your Facebook page? Without quality fans, your Facebook marketing efforts can fizzle out quickly.

Keep reading to discover nine ways you can build loyal fans who’ll love your business. Read More
First off, what is a Twitter Chat? A Twitter Chat is a way of using Twitter to create an online, public chat forum that revolves around a central conversation theme. Participants are given a unique hashtag to use during the chat, a host or hosts to follow who will help control conversation and chat Read More

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