These stories submitted by Mmangen will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Want stats on social network usage? Pew's latest research shows who's using what social network. Great demographic info and a few surprises. Read More
Need help finding, adding and organizing content for personal and client work? Check out Feedolu Channels. Read More
As a career coach, I talk mostly with two kinds of people: employed or in transition to another job. Read More
Creative Giants are naturally compassionate, creative people who have the vision to see how the world might be, the courage to take action, and the capability to actually change the world. Read More
The reality of product failure for a supplier is not “if,” but “when,” so the ability to demonstrate the protocol for the process Read More
Want better results from your Facebook ads? Check out these secret tips to use a Custom Audience to match a list of people to Facebook logins. Read More
As landing pages are the lifeblood of successful lead generation, a well-designed page is imperative to keep the visitor from hitting the back button. Here are some things to remember: Read More
Google quietly rolls out targeting functionality that helps locate buyers when they're ready to buy. Here's how to find out how to do that. Read More
One company completely dumped corporate email in favor of Unison. Can it solve your corporate communication challenges? Read More
If you’ve never tried running A/B tests, the good news is that it takes about half an hour to set up a split test, and it’s free. Read More

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