These stories submitted by Previsomedia will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Being self-employed mean, you can have a job that allows you to utilise your strongest skills, make money on your terms, and ideally, pursue your biggest passions. It’s one of the most flexible ways of working, meaning that if you work it right, you can run the business from the comfort of your bed Read More
Whenever you drive past a car dealership, regardless of whether it’s a dealership that sells new cars or used ones, you’ll almost always see numerous colored balloons that are tied to the cars, financing signs, and sometimes even the building itself. But if every other dealership is using balloons, Read More
Where to begin? First things first, to organize a family business from scratch, it is crucial to choose a field of activity. For this, you need to find out and analyze the following information: what skills each family member has and in what they are talented and competent. Read More
If you feel like a summer slump is about to hit your startup, beat it back (while getting the job done) with these tips. Read More
Waste has been a huge point of conversation across mainstream news and social media channels in the recent years — with pictures of the ocean suffocated by a churning blanket of plastic and rubbish and landfills scarring the countryside. Notoriously, food is being thrown out by everyone from big ch Read More
One of the best ways to rank high on search engines is to implement a strategy called SEO (search engine optimization). SEO helps your website to appear at the top of search results when potential customers search products and services with your keywords. Read More
If you are unsure of where to start with your legal options, read this guide of 6 things to consider before you should pursue any type of lawsuits. Read More
What should an employee app offer? Firstly, it should be affordable without commitment plans. Super easy to use, and can scale with your business while having an impact on investment quickly. Plus, a superb customer service staff if you need help, is a bonus. Read More
There’s no doubt that if you’re looking for a way to grow your audience, you won’t be able to achieve it without marketing. You may already have some marketing campaigns well underway; perfects you have a few ads running on Facebook or are in conversations with some influencers. However, you might Read More
There are a number of expenses that surprise first time entrepreneurs as they start to research costs and later launch a new enterprise. And each can put a serious damper on your main goal in running your own business. Read More

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