These stories submitted by Previsomedia will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Of late, data science training has really started to pick up. So, if you are a newbie, you can always begin your journey with Data Science with Python training and get the competitive advantage over your peers. Read More
As a business owner, you may want to consider getting a trademark for your brand name. Of course, there are both advantages and disadvantages if you decide to get a trademark, and you’ll need to weigh them all carefully before making your final decision. Read More
The trouble with IT is that it doesn’t really do a good job of looking after itself. Sure, you might have someone who knows there way around your router and has the patience to talk to your internet service provider – but the complexities of an IT network will require specialist professional suppor Read More
There is nothing more exciting than launching your first business venture, but as a new entrepreneur you need to be prepared because the first year is particularly challenging and there are sure to be few obstacles along the way. Knowing what the common issues are should help you to quickly find so Read More
These days, the way businesses keep track of time is by using time tracking software. Here are ways which time tracking increases productivity. Read More
Of all formats used for content marketing purposes, it seems that video causes an undue amount of anxiety for solopreneurs and small businesses. Read More
In recent years, point of sale systems have been on the rise, becoming more popular in small businesses of all shapes and sizes. In the process, they’ve grown and adapted to the needs of the modern business owner in order to make running the show a little easier. Read More
Cybercriminals target thousands of websites daily as they keep relying on more sophisticated tools and techniques. It’s not surprising that many business owners already have plans in place to counter the attacks. Read More
As a business owner looking to hold an international corporate meeting, you fear losing control over such a large event. By building a SMMP, you limit your chances of losing that power. A SMMP entails planning for an enterprise-wide meeting. You need to consider the processes, quantities and suppli Read More
Loyal customers are extremely desirable for modern brands. The probability of selling a product or service to an existing customer is 60-70%, with 65% of a company’s business said to come from existing customers. Companies such as Apple are the epitome of brand loyalty, with the tech company having Read More

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