These stories submitted by Prussakov will be featured BizSugar's homepage

There are a number of things they want to know prior to deciding to join your affiliate program. Good affiliate programs answer these questions in Affiliate FAQ sections right on the merchant’s website. Read More
Needless to underscore how happy I am to see that out of the top 3 books on the list, two are mine. It also seems that someone needs to write a more updated book for affiliates... Read More
While some may say there is a million and one reason to attend conferences, when it comes to conferences on marketing I like every attended trade show to bring measurable results. Then it has a truly positive ROI in my eyes (hence, a good reason to be there). Just as 74% of CEOs I believe that a hy Read More
Remember my last week's "Possibly the Worst Affiliate Traffic Leak Ever" post? Well, auditing a client's affiliate program, I discovered a situation that was even worse... merchant linking to himself through affiliate links. Read More
Starting from June 16 eBay Partner Network (EPN) is provisionally suspending relationship with all loyalty/cashback affiliates... EPN explains it as a "go dark" test the goal of which is to "quantify the incremental value of these partnerships and to price them properly". Seems to be in line with e Read More
Earlier last week Amazon held its annual shareholder meeting in downtown Seattle. One of the questions that came up repeatedly was one that is of utmost importance to the affiliate marketing world — namely, the affiliate nexus tax, and Amazon's stance on it... Read More
ROI, or Return on Investment, is one of the key indicators of your affiliate marketing campaign’s success of failure. Analyzing your campaigns’ ROI figures is a must both for merchants, and for affiliates. As a result, you get a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t. And since at the Read More
When merchants link to select affiliates, it doesn't go down well for all the other affiliates in the program, and here's why... Read More
Overall program's EPC is like an average body temperature around the hospital, hence, not good grounds for basing your CPC decision on... Read More
The past three years have shown how destructive these laws can be — seldomly yielding taxes, but always killing businesses. So far, out of over 20 states which have considered such legislation only 5 (NY, RI, NC, IL, CT) have enacted it; and every time it happened, merchant terminations of relation Read More

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