These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Find out how to launch an ecommerce site, how to move your company, and whether you need to go back to school to grow your biz. Read More
There are three primary types of businesses: Home-based, retail, and services. Which is right for you? Read More
I’m big on people having the right expectations for their press release campaigns. No, they won’t make you overnight millionaires, but they will help you become more visible online. Here’s how. Read More
Business permits and licenses are essential for your small business. Here's how to find out which ones you need. Read More
Getting a small business loan can help your business, but not in certain situations like these. If any of these are reasons you’d give for wanting to take out a loan, I encourage you to tighten your belt and find other ways to grow your business. Read More
I’m currently using Basecamp to manage the bajillion blogs I write and manage for clients. It occurs to me that it would be a great tool for managing PR as well. You could replace Basecamp with Podio or Teamwork; most project management platforms share many of the same features. Read More
I wanted to share some of the best posts we’ve got here on Marketing Eggspert about guest blogging so you’ve got one big resource for it. Read More
Having a new baby in the house doesn't have to make your small business suffer. These tips will help you balance both aspects. Read More
When you have a published press release, you want people to share it through social media. But many people aren’t as attracted to a press release as they are to a more friendly version of your news. Read More
Here is a list of ten important facts and marketing tips you need to manage your Facebook page more effectively Read More

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