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Rather than make you sift through all the valuable content here on HTCAPR, I thought I’d simplify things and put all the posts we’ve written about writing a press release into one post. Here we go! Read More
witter has 550 million active users and approximately 500 million tweets sent every day. There’s no doubt, Twitter has evolved from its original platform for sharing updates with friends to an integral part of the marketing department.

Now, imagine if half of the demographics were your follower Read More
Starting a nonprofit? Here's what you need to know about the 501(c)3 and nonprofit corporation status. Read More
Looking for financing? You've got several options to consider. Here we break down each of them for your small business and startup. Read More
Not sure if you need a registered agent for your business? This post will help you decide whether you do or not. Read More
A cohesive marketing strategy involves more than one approach. If you’re only distributing press releases, I would bet a million dollars you’re not getting the results you want. Read More
While working from home might sound great, is it really the best solution for your small business? There are solopreneurs who prefer working somewhere other than their homes, while others prefer the short commute and lower overhead of a home-based business. Read More
Starting a business -- specifically an LLC -- in Colorado is a great fit for your business. Here's what you need to know about fees for forming a Colorado LLC. Read More
In terms of questions I get about writing press releases, this is one of the top ones. People want to know how often they should write a press release, as well as what the cadence should be. The short answer is: Read More
Press releases are fantastic for getting the word out about your art exhibit. Here are four reasons you should start writing them immediately. Read More

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