These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

There are too many people out there doing a horrible job of pitching journalists and bloggers with their news. There’s no excuse. If you do these five steps, you should be able to get the media’s attention (assuming your news is actually newsworthy in the first place). Read More
Well, Tax Day has come and gone once again. Most of us prefer to brush it under the rug and not think about it for another 10 months or so. Resist the urge. Instead, be proactive about these areas of your business that you can work on so that, come next year, you’re well-prepared for tax time! Read More
Every small business has dreams of how it can grow, but often a lack of funding prevents those dreams from becoming a reality. If chosen, Egg Marketing & Communications will use the grant to build a small business resource site. Read More
Customer service is being done more and more through email these days. Over 60% of consumers would prefer to be engaged through email communication. Customers expect a correct email to their problem within 24 hours. Read More
Looking for the fees for incorporation in Florida? But before we get into the costs to incorporate in Florida, let’s look at what’s required for your business to become a corporation. Read More
Each Friday, we’ll bring you great content that Nellie Akalp is writing around the Web, as well as press mentions and interviews. This week, get tips on starting and building a business, making sure it’s legal, and improving your productivity. Read More
You already know that social media is a fantastic marketing tool for your small business. However, social media also has another important application that more and more companies are beginning to use, and that’s utilizing social media for customer support. Read More
If you want to know exactly what reporters and journalists really think of your press releases then this is the post for you - collating several remarks that journalists made Read More
One of the things that I’m most proud of in running CorpNet is how long our staff has been with us. Many were there at the start. Our turnover is incredibly low. Clearly, we’re doing something right to keep our employees happy! Here are a few of the ways we do that. Read More
Just when you think Facebook couldn't get better, they add more tools. These are designed to help marketers get more out of the social site. Read More

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