These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

All your social media efforts, blogging, and emails might not get you as far as one simple strategy: in-person networking. By building relationships with people in real time, you can pave the way for future sales success.

Are your networking efforts a waste of time? You're going about them wron Read More
When it comes to finding a topic for your press release, it’s important to ensure that your topic is actually newsworthy. That means it can’t be biased, untrue, or promotional in nature.

Here are three topics you should never, ever write a press release about. Read More
People are really polarized about whether press releases “work” or not. For me, I’d say it all depends on how you define a release working. Here are four expectations I know a lot of business owners have…that shouldn’t. If you’re expecting one or more of these results with your next press release, Read More
Here’s a question I get almost daily: what’s the best state to incorporate in?

The second most asked question I get is: “what are the fees for incorporating in [state]?”

Knowing your costs to incorporate in each state can help you decide where you want to incorporate your business. Read More
As a business owner, I find it just as instructive to learn from other entrepreneurs’ mistakes as I do learning from tips and tricks. To that end, I wanted to put together a roundup of posts dealing with exactly that: mistakes others have made that can help you avoid them and succeed with your busi Read More
Yes, you understand correctly: if you include one or more photos or videos with your release, you could see exponentially more people reading your release.

And yet, so many businesses aren’t using images in their releases! Read More
Got an upcoming event? Whether it’s a charity auction, community festival, musical performance, or conference, the more media attention you can get on your event, the more successful it will be. Read More
For many companies, a home page is a handshake, business card, and lunch meeting rolled into one. Your website is the first thing that prospective customers see, and if you’ve done a poor job setting it up, it’s the only thing they’ll bother looking at. Read More
Would you be shocked at how little time I spend each week marketing my business? Probably. On average, I spend under an hour managing my social media, email, and other marketing components. Am I practicing magic? Not so. I’m simply using smart tools to automate a lot of my marketing tasks. I’ll sha Read More
Digital marketing strategies are changing quickly, as consumers become more informed and start wanting different things from the brands they follow. Here are four marketing trends that small businesses will use in 2015. Read More

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