These stories submitted by Thursdayb will be featured BizSugar's homepage

A Super Bowl ad comes with a price tag of about $3 million dollars this year. Even if you have enough money in your marketing budget to pick up a 30-second spot, there are alternatives that can offer more bang for your buck than a televised ad, no matter how big an event it's shown during. Considering how many people fast forward through the commercials, it's time to explore other options. Read More
When you're negotiating a sale, the situation can require even more compromise. Your business likely relies on sales, putting you in the mindset that you'll do anything to win over your customers, but you have to make sure that each sale still offers you enough margin to turn a profit. Read More
I read the 4-Hour Workweek not too long after it came out. I bought a copy for my dad, recommended it to my friends and generally considered it a solid inspirational piece. But as its popularity has grown and Tim Ferriss has effectively become synonymous with words like ‘lifestyle design’ and ‘productivity,’ I’ve noticed a serious problem. Read More
Negotiation is not a business tactic that everyone is going to be comfortable with. Reasons vary: It can be intimidating to tell a client or a vendor something that he doesn't want to hear. It can be a matter of cultural comfort zones — while some cultures encourage negotiations, others view the negotiation process as not much better than an argument. To be a successful business owner, however, i Read More
If a crisis or opportunity happens, you need to be able to get in touch with business professionals, like your PR consultant or lawyer, quickly. Read More
If you want to start your own business that allows you to support your traveling habit while still working on a schedule that is convenient for those same travels, you need these seven skills. Read More

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