ArthurForever submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Every company, regardless of size, scale or industry wants to get the very best out of its people. When people work hard, it logically follows that output and results increase.

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So much has been written about millennials in the workplace; how to manage them, what to feed them and how to keep them happy at work (ping pong table obvs) that you’d be forgiven for thinking they were a newly discovered species! Read More
A pause in Brexit proceedings has helped a number of sectors regain some momentum, but for many, preparations for 29th March Brexit have already cost millions and a prolongation to uncertainty was a worst case scenario. Read More
Data from the ONS has revealed that the 5 fastest growing export markets for UK businesses are in Asia.

Figures released last month highlighted 40.8% growth in Taiwan, followed by 19.3% export growth in India. Read More
Over three-quarters of small businesses in the UK feel unsupported ahead of Brexit, according to a new report.

Here's a look at why it's critical SMEs and exporting start-ups get the right Brexit support. Read More
It can be tricky to manage a top performer in a team, you want to keep them engaged and motivated and genuinely think they’re doing a great job, but don’t want to be seen to always be saying well done to one person.

Here's how to avoid favouritism when recognising top performers. Read More
Almost every leader would recognise that it’s their job to motivate their team, although not every leader knows how to go about it.

But how do you motivate people who aren't very motivating to be around? Read More

Less than Lush Brexit outlook for cosmetics giant - Go Exporting

Avatar Posted by ArthurForever under Strategy
From 2002 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on March 27, 2019 11:39 am
The head of bathbomb and scented soap retailer Lush has given an insight into the potential damage a no-deal Brexit could cause to his business, estimating a £2.6m World Trade Organisation tariffs bill whilst product stockpiling could cost another £1.3m. Read More
All of our experience tells us that a little prompter to send that recognition that you’ve been thinking about but never got around to actually doing - never hurts!

So, to celebrate International Women’s Day and to get you fired up, take a look at a handful of hero’s from around the world:
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If you’re too old to be a millennial, you’re from a generation who have generally been taught to believe that you go to work for your pay cheque and anything you do over and above what is expected is worthy of recognition. Read More

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