J_a_scheer submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Just about every company on the planet today depends on technology. This means your IT staff is under pressure to keep not just systems but your entire business running. It’s no wonder IT burnout is rampant. Here are some things you can do about it.
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Your company is growing! You’re moving and there are a million details to take care of. But too often, the technology and communications side of the move is a bit of a mystery. Here's a checklist of best practices to help ensure your phones, Internet, and other systems are fully functional on day 1 Read More
Author Sarah Blake offers her creative writing students a piece of advice to help them uncover their unique perspective. This "weird" advice is a great tip for writing B2B content, too. Read More
Data without reporting is just data. Without reports to capture and convey what the data tells you, you're not getting the value the data has to offer. Too often, however, reports fall flat. Read More

Don’t Let Leaks Shipwreck Your Lead Gen Program

Avatar Posted by J_a_scheer under Marketing
From http://amaboston.org 2264 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on May 18, 2018 9:23 am
Want more quality leads? Who doesn't?

But while the objective of lead gen is pretty straightforward, its execution is not. "Leaks" in your lead gen operation make it the harder it will be to bring in the quality leads you need to hit the most important goal of all: revenue. Read More
Attention. It’s hard to get and easy to lose. That’s why it’s important to take every single opportunity at your disposal to capture interest and convey your message. Here are four that are almost always wasted. Read More

A Marketer's Guide to Creativity

Avatar Posted by J_a_scheer under Marketing
From http://amaboston.org 2326 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on March 21, 2018 2:19 pm
Everyone has the potential to be creative in some way. Everyone. Get tips to help you up your creativity game. Read More
Marketing is a critical component of the sales and growth strategy for any business, no matter the size. You can build an effective marketing program without hiring a full-time marketing team, but you do need nine essential skills. Read More
As an entrepreneur or employee at a startup, you have to wear many hats. Chances are, marketing isn’t your favorite activity – and you may not even have much experience – but you know it’s important for growing your business. And while they say that experience is the best teacher, wouldn’t you rath Read More
Content marketing is hot. And there’s a reason for that – it works when it’s done well. But there’s a lot of really bad content out there, and bad content is bad for your brand. How can you ensure that every piece of content you produce is effective? You need to think through six key elements. Read More

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