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Jennykaypollock submitted the following stories to BizSugar

One ofthe major issues facing young professionals is underdeveloped skills. In any job interview, it is essential to be able to clearly explain your skill set. This can be tricky if you have skill sets that are not fully developed yet. Read More
If you follow social media best practices you'll have more social media success than if you don't. Check out these simple tips to help make your Twitter account, content, fan engagement and general social media presence on Twitter a step above the rest. Read More
Maintaining a company's social media plan is like filling out a school planner. Social media prowess comes with practise and planning. It dosen't happen instantaneously over night it takes daily work and dedication. It is something that must be done on a daily basis. Read More
Many industry events, conferences and trade shows are incorporating social media into the DNA of the event. Make sure you are set up for social media success at the next industry event! Read More
Social media can seem complicated and daunting. However, there are a few tasks that apply to every social platform. I call them social media best practices. They can help you achieve social media success. Read More
When creating a social media content calendar you want to include items that will engage your fans. You want people to listen, talk back and share. Use a fill in the blank fan engagement update to get people talking! Read More
Is Pinterest is joining the ranks of LinkedIn in the job search process?

“We love Pinterest, almost as much as we love ‘outside of the box’ thinking. We’re not a boring company, so why create a boring job posting,” Scott Procops Social and Digital Media Manager for New Traditionalist said. Read More
You may be thinking “What has Twitter got to do with my blog?” The answer is Twitter is one of your best promotional tools!

Here are 10 surefire ways to promote your blog using Twitter:
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College students often wait until graduation to start thinking about their career and how to start it. However, this is a fatal mistake. Students should be working on their network of connections throughout their college career and keeping track of their network on LinkedIn. Networking is part of t Read More
Most people I know who are interested in or work in social media have a list of social media blogs they read on a regular basis. While I highly recommend this you should be reading other blogs too. This will help your social media success! Read More

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