NanoTechnologyMedia submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Two important economic indicators released late in 2013—employment and interest rates—give us some optimism about small business and economic growth trends. Both of these indicators are key to consumer spending, which drives two-thirds of our nation’s economic activity. Read More

Is China the New Idol for Emerging Economies?

Avatar Posted by NanoTechnologyMedia under News
From 3800 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on March 10, 2014 5:00 pm
International economist and author of NY Times bestsellers "Winner Take All," "Dead Aid" and "How the West Was Lost," named by @Time as one of the 100 most influential people in the world -- Dr. Dambisa Moyo gives powerful talk for TED that: Read More
There are some reasons why some businesses stand out and deliver outstanding products and services. Some businesses do start out that way but they will eventually lose it. Others don’t bother and just pivot when faced with excessive competition – like the kind of competitive hustle you’d find in on Read More
No matter how hard you work to improve your social media engagement, online reviews, or customer satisfaction, it can all be undone if you don’t follow these five important offline marketing strategies. Read More
There are many good reasons why a company might want to re-brand. Entrepreneurs by their nature see the benefits in upping their game. Constantly raising the bar within their category keeps the competition on edge. They spend more time keeping up or as I like to say. “following, not leading.” Read More

3 Important Truths For First-Time Startup Founders

Avatar Posted by NanoTechnologyMedia under Startups
From 4221 days ago
Made Hot by: Sian Phillips on January 4, 2013 9:30 pm
Building a company of 50 virtual employees across nine different countries has been a huge challenge. From day one, my team and I decided that was going to be chiefly a virtual company. We believed that this model was the future of work, and building our company any other way would counte Read More
Let’s step back and take a look at the big picture of the web in Asia in 2012. We see internet penetration in the region has jumped from 24 percent last year, to 27 percent now. And with that comes a leap to just over a billion Asian netizens this year – 1.034 billion, to be precise. Mobile penetra Read More
It’s all over the street – nobody really knows what you do there at ABC Co. It’s not like your customers or potential customers are spreading bad news about you, it’s more the fact that they’re not saying anything at all. There is no buzz. Everybody knows you but for some reason that’s not translat Read More

6 Stress Relief Tips

Avatar Posted by NanoTechnologyMedia under Self-Development
From 4231 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on December 27, 2012 12:31 am
So you’re a startup founder, aka – the fundraiser, the recruiter, the leader, the value builder, the negotiator, and the visionary amongst other things. What haven’t you done? Even if you can’t jet off to the tropics for a relaxing month-long vacation on a beach, that doesn’t mean you can’t take a Read More
It’s no surprise that our addiction to mobile devices has made them game-changers in the workplace as well. Many companies are realizing that anchoring employees to a desk just doesn’t make business sense. Read More

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