SEORabbit submitted the following stories to BizSugar

10 Local Marketing Tips You Can Implement Today

Avatar Posted by SEORabbit under Online Marketing
From 4188 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on February 6, 2013 9:22 pm
When it comes to marketing your small business online, local search should be the 1st thing on your to-do list. However, with it changing rapidly, it might be difficult to know what exactly to do. This article explains 10 local marketing tips you can implement today - and reap the benefits tomorrow. Read More
Holidays are a magical time. But bringing new customers to your business can be tricky. John Jantsch and Teri Evans give you tips on how to attract new customers to your business this holiday season. Read More
A new marketing model has emerged - peer index marketing. It is based on the belief that some customers have larger influence on others when it comes to purchase decisions. Gigaom articles explains well this new type of marketing. Read More
"There is so much noise about social media, much of it not very helpful." Article goes to explain that social media has been a little bit over-hyped. Read More

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