SalesBlogcast submitted the following stories to BizSugar

According to a report by Forrester Research, only eight percent of B2B companies have achieved effective sales and marketing alignment. Although department leaders believe there's much to be gained from teams working together to increase lead flow and generate revenue, why doesn't it happen?

Som Read More
Guest blogging—publishing blog posts on other sites to expand your audience and drive traffic back to your own site—used to be all the rage, but its popularity is dwindling.

Guest publishing channels are getting noisy, content marketers aren't seeing the ROI, and they're beginning to question wh Read More
The things we learned in English class don't apply to writing web copy. You have to play by a new set of rules to improve your search rankings and capture your readers' attention.

Here are four tips for writing web copy to help you improve SEO, drive traffic, and maximize reader engagement. Read More

21 Questions to Ask When Creating Buyer Personas

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Marketing
From 3412 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on March 27, 2015 6:41 am
Too many businesses dive head first into inbound marketing without doing all of their homework. Content marketing requires much more than hiring an intern to write and publish your blog posts. You've got to have a plan, and it begins with a laser focus on the basics of inbound marketing strategy. Read More
One of the most important resources a sales rep has available is marketing content. Here are three ways content can mean the difference between endlessly knocking on doors and quickly creating new opportunities. Read More
How is your business performing on social media? Social analytics are not only beneficial to marketing teams, they help them demonstrate their company's social media ROI to the C-Suite.

Here’s a quick guide to using the social media analytics available on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook Read More
Whether you’re reaching out to a brand new prospect or a repeat customer, here are 41 types of lifecycle emails that can help boost your email marketing campaigns! Read More
“We have a great product, just get them to the demo, and the software sells itself!” Wouldn’t that be nice? ...If only it were true.

Software rarely sells itself, but over and over again, I see software companies skipping critical steps in the sales process to get to the demo. Here’s how the sal Read More
The question shouldn't be about whether to have an inbound OR an outbound strategy. Winning companies do both. Read More
If you work in sales - and more importantly, if your CEO worked in sales before you - you've probably shared a conversation or two about inbound marketing and inbound sales strategy. While your CEO has a great understanding of brand marketing, prospecting, uncovering needs, and closing techniques, Read More

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