SparkHire submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Sure, HR professionals aren’t dealing with spirits, hauntings, or killers on the loose. But these brave professionals do deal with their fair share of hiring horror stories. Read More
The workplace can be a very stressful place. As hiring manager, you are well aware of that. However, did you know that workplace stress is a major cause of turnover as well? Read More
Hiring a worker for an open position in your company is not an easy task. There are several variables at play and many factors that you must consider before you make a decision. Read More
Usually in the hiring and interviewing process, it’s the job seeker that’s sitting in the hot seat. What about when the tables are turned though and the job seeker has the chance to ask you interview questions about the position and the company you work for? Read More
While employees using social media might seem like a productivity drain, sometimes it can lead to greater employee engagement and information sharing. It depends heavily on how your office chooses to utilize social media tools. Read More
Waiting too long to make a job offer can turn candidates off. How long will candidates wait before you offer them a position? Read More

Hit Snooze: Is Napping Good for Company Culture?

Avatar Posted by SparkHire under Human Resources
From 4294 days ago
Made Hot by: jamiesteinberg on October 23, 2012 6:36 pm
Does your company allow napping on the job? Might want to think about it because it could be extremely beneficial for productivity! (Yes, you read that correctly.) Read More
Take a look at this infographic to see how significant employee appreciation really is to a company. Read More
As an employer or hiring manager, should you offer paid internships or unpaid internships? Read this and weigh in. Read More
Do you know how to interview members of Generation Y? It can definitely be a different beast. Read this for tips to make it work! Read More

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