The59thStreetBridge submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Layoffs are often the go-to for corporations looking to shore up their share prices. But in this recession, that has not been the case. What can companies do to keep their stock prices high? Read More

40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them

Avatar Posted by The59thStreetBridge under Technology
From 5652 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 5, 2009 8:43 pm
A roundup of 40 brands adept at reaching their customer base by way of Twitter. Read More
FindingDulcinea, an online publisher known as the Librarian of the Internet, today announced the launch of SweetSearch, a more selective search engine that will help Internet users get more satisfying search results. Read More
Jerry Yang had it right back in 1994. An informed human mind can be a big help searching the Web. Read More
The suicides of Irish developer Patrick Rocca and other high-profile businessmen show how the global recession can be particularly devastating to some type-A personalities. Read More
After a short trading pause, Wall Street is skidding near the 8,000 mark. History shows that we should expect to see market volatility during a presidency's early days. Read More
Due in large part to the Midwestern predilection for financial modesty, the Madoff scandal reverberated through the closely knit Jewish community of Minneapolis' western suburbs. Read More

Online Tax-Free Shopping May Soon Be Obsolete

Avatar Posted by The59thStreetBridge under Taxes
From 5673 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 15, 2009 8:42 am
With tax revenue dwindling along with the recession, states are considering taxing online purchases to cover the shortfall. But Web-based merchants are rallying against the move. Read More

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