WillFultz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Going Beyond the Usual Probing Questions

Avatar Posted by WillFultz under Sales
From http://www.topsalesblog.com 5520 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 16, 2009 11:53 am
Your time in front of a prospective customer is extremely valuable. The hardest part of the sales process can sometimes be just getting quality time in front of the prospect to ask questions. When you get to this point, you definitely want to make the most of your opportunity. You never know, this might be your only chance to advance the sale. Read More

Jamie Moyer: A Lesson in Persistence That We Can All Learn From

Avatar Posted by WillFultz under Success Stories
From http://www.topsalesblog.com 5535 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 2, 2009 12:25 pm
At this point in his career, Jamie was 30 years old. Retirement had to seem at hand. He had his chance, his time should have been over. But instead, this is where the story of persistence starts... Read More
Most companies will usually have a sales process in place which they want you to follow. This begs the question - should I follow my company's sales process? Read More
In sales - I fully believe that rugged individualism trumps collectivism when it comes to being successful. Read More
Well, here it is. Top Sales Blog is now a year old. I wanted to share the success I've had over the past year, let you know where this blog is going in the future, and take some time to thank all of you - my readers. Read More
Far too many salespeople turn to their boss or company for their personal motivation to be successful in sales. This is a huge mistake, as salespeople need to be responsible for their own motivation if they want to become successful. Read More

3 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Secrets

Avatar Posted by WillFultz under Marketing
From http://www.closingbigger.net 5551 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on May 15, 2009 9:20 pm
Last week I posted Guerrilla Social Media Marketing secrets 1,2 and 3. There are 19 Guerrilla Marketing secrets and after chatting with Jay Levinson he gave me the go ahead to share a few more. So here's secrets 4,5 and 6 based upon my interpretation of Jay's 19 secrets. Read More

The History Channel's New Show on Sun Tzu's Art of War

Avatar Posted by WillFultz under Sales
From http://www.topsalesblog.com 5562 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 6, 2009 8:17 pm
The history channel's new show is perfect for any business person who is looking for new strategies. Read More
If you desire to make more money and work less in you sales career, then it would be in your interest to invest time in learning how to properly qualify prospective customers. More than any other sales activity we perform, this separates the winners from the losers in sales. Read More

Top Sales Blog: Recognizing Top Salespeople is Important

Avatar Posted by WillFultz under Management
From http://www.topsalesblog.com 5582 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on April 16, 2009 7:36 pm
For all companies and managers out there that aren't doing it, you need to recognize your salespeople who are high achievers. And I'm not just talking in a monetary sense, either. Read More

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