Workopolis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

To identify candidates with the makings of amazing managers, use our manager interview questions checklist: 10 questions that will ensure you’re addressing the crucial traits and soft skills that can help you to identify a star manager. Read More
Knowing what it costs you to find and evaluate new talent can help you identify the places where it’s appropriate to take cost-cutting measures — or to invest a little more. After all, a bad hire will cost you much more in the long run...

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The 13 traits of amazing managers

Avatar Posted by Workopolis under Management
From 2354 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on March 25, 2018 11:34 am
How can you avoid hiring the wrong manager? By looking at personality traits, not just experience. We asked John Wright, president of the Canadian Management Centre, for his top personality traits and skills to look for. Read More
The Dine Alone Records team talks music, hot sauce, and what it takes to keep growing in today’s music business.

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New managers, take note: here’s a run-down of the four most common rookie manager mistakes to watch out for – and what to do instead.

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The first step in writing an effective job posting is to get the nitty-gritty on the position. To get this info, you’ll need an intake meeting.

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Found the right candidate? Great. Now you need to make sure they accept your job offer. Use our simple formula to get it right. Read More
With Stephen Hawking’s passing today, we’re talking a lot about the lessons we’ve learned from the visionary physicist. But there’s one lesson that particularly comes to mind... Read More
Deciding whether to give a reference, and especially if the reference is mixed, can be difficult. You can navigate this tricky managerial challenge, though, with a bit of research and preparation.

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Why salary transparency can make your business better

Avatar Posted by Workopolis under Management
From 2367 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on March 12, 2018 9:19 am
What would happen if everyone at your company knew exactly what their coworkers—yourself included—were earning?

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