Alizasherman submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Get tips to help you prepare for the New Year and avoid the end of year crunch and beginning of the year business lull. A combination of tips and app recommendations for better cashflow, more productivity and keeping your business going strong. Read More
A good blog post gets a conversation going or really gets you thinking about something, often in a different way than you might usually think of it. Such was the case with @tedcoine's post 12 Most Compelling Reasons I Follow Everyone Back (on Twitter). I completely disagree... Read More
Do you have what it takes to be a virtual worker? If personality plays an even bigger role in virtual work success than hard skills, what does this mean for you?

Here are some questions you should consider before jumping out of your cubicle and into a remote work situation. Read More
Last week, Twitter went down. Again. And yet we all gnash our teeth, wring our hands, cry foul, shake our fists at the sky, then breathe a quick sigh of relief once the Fail Whale is gone and our Twitterstream flows again. Read More
With the popularity of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networking sites, how can you leverage the features you get and connections you can make through them? Knowing how to properly leverage these networks for professional interactions means you have to strike a thoughtful balance between personal and professional while always keeping an eye toward your brand and the image you want to project. From the Creative Freelancer Conference Blog Read More

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