Carolsoriano08 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

To help B2B companies come up with better tactics to achieve goals, here are 50 useful statistics to consider in developing the next stages of your lead generation strategy. Read More
Clients expect PR to deliver a broader range of services within the digital environment this year and this is where your opportunities will be found. Consider this your guide to public relations in 2016. Read More
The internet is vast and full of delectable content confections so much so that businesses everywhere are wondering how to stand out from the teeming throng. Here are a few ingredients any content marketer worth their salt is going to need. Read More
Whether you’re eager to establish your brand as an authoritative voice in your field or looking to fill that all-important last stage of your sales funnel, content marketing can help you reach your goals. Read More
No matter the type or size of the company that you’d like to reach, your content is the thing that can open doors and win relationships (and sales). Here are 3 key elements of a successful email marketing campaign. Read More
To get positive results and stay ahead of the curve, here are 15 effective lead generation ideas for your marketing campaign. Read More
This guide discusses social media trends and predictions for 2016 including the social media platforms that will potentially succeed. It also discusses tips to creating effective social media strategy and checklist on how companies can maximize social media.
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there are many different ways to control your costs in a B2B lead gen program. Let’s dive in and discover how to make your hard earned marketing and sales dollars go the distance. Read More

10 B2B Lead Generation Strategies for 2016

Avatar Posted by carolsoriano08 under Online Marketing
From 3206 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on December 15, 2015 3:56 pm
Lead generation is any company’s lifeblood, and coming up with a strategy to increase and sustain leads is important. In helping you generate new lead ideas, here are strategies to fill in the lead gaps for 2016. Read More
An overview of shopping trends, what the consumer wants, marketing statistics, and all other tips you’ll be needing to help you achieve a successful marketing strategy for the Holidays. Read More

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