Centralpawebster submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Despite being a long-time Instagram user and advocate, I have become frustrated with the platform due to its declining engagement, frequent unpredictable changes, and increasingly negative atmosphere. Read More

Hot Take: Why I Hate the New Canva Update

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Social Media
From https://strellasocialmedia.com 13 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on July 22, 2024 6:37 pm
Discover why the new Canva update is causing headaches for designers with hidden features, inefficient interfaces, and cumbersome workflows. Learn how to revert to the old interface for a smoother design experience.
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Every job, no matter how unrelated, can teach you valuable lessons. From active listening at Papa John's to problem-solving as an insurance rep, Lany’s past jobs shaped her social media career. Here’s how each experience contributed to her success. Read More

The Influencers You Love Are Lying to You

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Social Media
From https://strellasocialmedia.com 33 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on June 25, 2024 7:35 am
As social media continues to dominate our lives, the authenticity of influencers is more questionable than ever. This post explores the meticulously crafted personas of social media stars. Read More
Is your social media not delivering the results you hoped for? It might be time for some tough love. Check out our latest blog post to discover the 5 common mistakes brands make and how you can turn things around. Read More
Celebrating 14 years of #Strella Social Media's growth through personal challenges, innovation, and a strong team. Key success factors: focus, surrounding yourself with great people, and continual reinvention. Read More
Using industry-standard tools can be daunting for beginners. Adobe Premiere, for example, is all about customization, which may be a turn-off if you’re new to video editing. But once you’ve learned a few efficiency tricks, the software opens up a world of video customization. Read More
In a world of digital oversharing, one mother chose to keep her kids off social media for their safety and privacy. Unsettling incidents and lack of legal protection led me to remove all images and content of them, prioritizing their autonomy and protection. Read More
TikTok’s fate remains unclear. However, one certainty in the ever-changing world of social media is that flexibility and adaptability are essential for success. Here’s our advice for navigating your social media strategy in a post-TikTok world. Read More
Discover the power of human connection in social media. Authenticity, storytelling, and engagement set you apart from algorithms. Embrace imperfection, converse, show personality, celebrate wins. Your humanity is your strongest asset online. Read More

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