Crozon submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The bottom line is what every businessperson thinks about, but one of the constants for many retailers is trying to come up with some low cost ways to increase retail sales. Read More

Using Social Media To Achieve Your Sales Goals

Avatar Posted by crozon under Social Media
From 4038 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on July 9, 2013 8:41 pm
It's not enough to be on top of all the latest trends when it comes to what will sell this summer. Sure, last year's newest and greatest may have been all the rage, but it doesn't mean that it will be the hot item again this season. So if you really want to stay on top of the curve when it comes to Read More
Signs are a wonderful invention that have helped civilization throughout the ages. Signs can tell us where we can go, where we can’t go, and what we can do when we get there. They can provide information, direction, and even entice us to do something we had not originally set out to do in the first Read More

How To Upsell To Increase Sales

Avatar Posted by crozon under Customer Service
From 4094 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on May 13, 2013 8:13 pm
One of the most cost effective selling techniques is also the one sales technique where many retailers either avoid all together, or completely fail at performing properly. This sales technique is of course the upsell. Read More
Have you ever wondered how you can make money reselling inexpensive products, such as sunglasses, hats, t-shirts, electronics, or anything in-between? The key is finding a reputable wholesaler who can provide you with quality merchandise and low prices. However, simply finding a wholesaler is only Read More

Have an Existing Business? 7 Ideas to Increase Profits

Avatar Posted by crozon under Sales
From 4117 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on April 23, 2013 1:00 pm
If you have an existing business, like many other businesses today, you may be feeling the effects of the slowed economy. Although it may seem that people are not be buying as much as they once used to, increased profits can still be made. Read More
There can definitely be a great deal of profit made when it comes to buying products wholesale and then selling retail. The key however is not only finding the right product, but also the best distribution source. Read More

5 Simple Ways To Increase Retail Sales

Avatar Posted by crozon under Sales
From 4139 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on March 28, 2013 2:15 pm
As a retail shop owner you are most likely familiar with the peaks and troughs when it comes to sales and revenue. Although it may seem that it is out of your control to prevent these slumps in sales, there are a few steps you can take in order to ensure that the revenue continues to flow. Read More
One of the greatest fears for any independent shop owner is the introduction of a big box store. Historically, the big box store was the death of the downtown shopping area. Today, however, many consumers have a greater respect and understanding of the importance of supporting local businesses. But Read More

44% Of Employees Are Unsatisfied

Avatar Posted by crozon under Self-Development
From 4440 days ago
Made Hot by: CanadianFinance on June 8, 2012 1:24 am
According to a recent article at, 44% of employees are unsatisfied with their current jobs. As Susan Adams writes in her article, “New Survey: Majority of Employees Dissatisfied”, even while unhappy, many employees feel stuck, afraid to make a career change, due largely to the current jo Read More

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