Edragonu submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Productivity on the iPhone – iAdd is an iPhone app which implements the Assess – Decide – Do life management framework Read More
Are you running the best version of yourself? Be sure to defrag your mind and update your drivers every now and then... Read More
An interesting concept: control your captcha and use it as a tool to brand your website and gain a new audience. Read More
What makes a blogger successful? What are the common traits of highly effective bloggers? If you’ve even remotely tried to launch your own blog, that question surely popped into your head at some point. And I bet it was rather sooner than later. Read More
Productivity is usually a good thing. Usually. Not always. Too much GTD or too much effectiveness in your life can become annoying at some point. Being highly productive can really help you become some sort of a freak, even if you obviously don't want that. Read More
Being motivated is a wonderful state of your being. In that state your body leverages huge amounts of energy. Your emotional field is totally balanced, physically you're able to climb the Everest and mentally you understand the whole Universe in a split of a second. I know you know the feeling. The good news is that you can re-create this state pr Read More

77 Tips For Starting An Online Business

Avatar Posted by edragonu under Startups
From http://www.dragosroua.com 5425 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on September 21, 2009 3:44 pm
I had a business for 10 years. These tips are actually pieces of my experience, broken down in several areas, like projects, money, team, partnerships and strategy. Read More
What's your real passion? What's that thing that you could do all day long, without even thinking of being tired, with deep focus and endless joy? Finding your true passion is one of the most important breakthroughs you can hit in your life. Read More
A comparison between blogging and sailing. Oh, and the answer to the question: who the heck is that "Santa Maria" in the title :-) Read More
Symptoms you're on the verge of a burn out. Read More

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